
Welcome to my journey

As a digital technologist, I have spent more than two decades honing my art and skill of building digital products. Starting as a programmer, I have morphed from application architect, project and product management, data democratizer, digital strategist and, most recently, leader of a design team. Though I have continued to climb the corporate career ladder, there was a time when I felt something was missing. I felt unfulfilled. I searched for answers around me. 

As I watched my daughters and their friends, I noticed a pattern. Driving carpools, chaperoning field trips, volunteering in class, I had a chance to watch these kids grow and get to know them. However, as they matured I noticed their dreams and ambitions diminished to what felt safe, was expected of them, and they conformed. Curious, I set out on a journey to understand why we limit ourselves. Why do we stop dreaming big? My journey led me to getting certified as a Gallup StrengthsFinder coach. I started to coach youth, young adults, and teams at work. 

As I empowered others to dream, I started to dream again. I pushed myself to dig up long buried aspirations. My dream to write. To leave an impact in this world. Does this mean I have discovered the holy grail of happiness, fulfillment and success? Nope. But I continue to learn, evolve and grow. I show up as I am. I lead in a style that is true to me. I remind myself to not conform.

I write and blog about growth, leadership, coaching and digital products. I love a conversation, and hope you join me and share your thoughts.